
If you are not a Golfer... Go away !! If you have never sliced a ball deep into a neighborhood or into the darkest woods you have ever seen.. than ........ Go away !!! If you have driven by a golf course and not thought " I wonder what the green fees are there" ..Go away!!

This writing is for Golfers only. It's not for a disinterested party who wouldn't know a mully from a bogey. Or better yet what a "mully bogey" was and how you get one. So if you are in that class buzz off. You will be bored to death here. Save yourself the agony. See ya !

Now for anyone who is left...let's get something straight.. YOUR GOLFBALL FLIGHT !!!!!!!

Number of paragraphs

I spend a lot of time on the driving range. I hit hundreds of balls a day. Not every day, but close. I know a lot about the golf swing. I have been doing that for many years ..(pssst I am past 59 years of age.) And I have a talent for viewing other people's golf swing in a constructive way. That means I can see things that need fix'n.

And believe me I see a lot that needs fix'n! It's kinda like having a talent or an ability that you don't really want. Like a curse. It's there, whether you want it or not! You could maybe write a Stephen King Novel...

" Attack of the Simple Golf Swing from another World "

And when I tell you that, as I meander along the driving range, what I see just flat floors me.

Some of the worst moves in the history of mankind. Repeated over and over and over. Why$%: Why would they do that.

Slice after slice. Grounder after grounder. It's incredible! Moving all over the place like they are dancing with the wisp of the wind. An unseen force creating a movement that could never be repeated. But yet, there they are. Practicing. I do give them credit. They are there! Working on the swing! But to me it is a nightmare.

Why$%: Oh Why do they do it$%:

I can only assume that there are a number of reasons why all this practice is taking place.

1. They are just getting out of the house for an hour or so

2. They are going to play golf in a few days and thought they would sharpen up for the big match

3. They think that the last instruction on the golf swing will work so they are going to try it

4. They got new clubs ( but they have never hit them )

5. They found out a bucket of balls was half price

I don't know the real answer.

But I do know this... I have only seen one or two golf swings in my whole life that could not be fixed. One was a friend of mind from Bangor Me... he is the bar tender at Capt Nick's Restaurant .. I actually saw him hit his tee shot into the parking lot at the Municipal Golf Course. Not so strange .. you are probably thinking you've seen that before. Well this parking lot was directly BEHIND the tee box.

Because most golfers can fix their swings and because it would not take much to do it, it is always a wonder to me why they don't all do it.

I think it is partly because there is So much information out there. And it conflicts! Do this to fix that and do that to fix this. Most of it is crap !!

The Golf Swing is Simple. Doing it is not. Discover the secrets to a simple swing and you have the choice of lowering your score 7-12 strokes.

That said ....... if you golfers would just follow some basic rules, believe in them, get comfortable with them, and practice them... if you all would just do that..your results for you would be amazing.

Here are the basics, wait no running off. I know you have heard this before and have dismissed it because it didn't apply to you, or was not comfortable, or your body won't do that, or any number of excuses so that your comfort zone was not invaded.

Get over it!!

So here you go- Grip, Set-up, Alignment, Spine angle Arm Position, Head Position, Knee bend, Left foot position, Right Foot position, Butt out, Chin up , Weight distribution, Ball Position....

Have you even begun to move yet $%: Heck no.. and you look like a pretzel.

Alright let's get real for a second. I have never seen a good player with a bad grip.. well maybe one. That is Paul Azinger. He has the worst grip in the world. He breaks every swing rule in the books, but he can flat play.. he is an exception!!

You must have a good grip.. you must repeat it every single time.. no matter what !
Your setup must be solid .. every single time..
You must have an understanding of swing path and swing plane .. they are not the same.
You must have a complete and total understanding of the impact position.
You must hit down on the ball ........... every single time ..exception to this may be the woods.
If you have a bad grip... you cannot do any of the above .. ever.. if you hit a good shot with a bad grip it most likely was an accident and you cannot explain how you did it. Nor can you do it again.

I see hundreds of bad swings every year, I hear hundreds of excuses every year. .And I see little to no improvement in any of these swings year after year.

The frustration for some of these golfers is huge. Yet they are still on the range. Banging balls to the far right. Over and over and over. What I nightmare.

Your swing can be fixed. Use the Simple Golf Swing method. KISS ! It works. All the major principals are there for any player at any level. Improvement in this game of golf is not a given. What is a given is that the woods, lakes and neighborhoods on the RIGHT will see lots of golf balls:%$gt; Unless you all use the Simple Golf Swing to fix your swing.

I hope to see some really great swings in my future as I walk the range.

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